Discover the Fastest Route to Enlightenment
With Over 5,000 Years Chinese Tradition
List Price: $125.00
Powerful leaders, they don't just tackle issues – they blast through each one.

They seize growth, and carve out victory. Life keeps throwing punches, and you've got two choices – stand firm like the mightiest oak in a storm, or get toppled like a weak sapling.

Join Dr. Barry Morguelan (Dr. B.) LIVE and Tap into the 5,000 years old wisdom of Source Energy. Picture less stress, more harmony, healthier relationships, and radiant success. 

Whether you're a leader of an organization, a family leader, a leader of yourself, or an aspiring leader... Fuel all areas of your life with Catapult Your Energy.
Get Catapult Your Energy now.
List Price: $125.00
Catapult Your Energy is the latest insights into the most pressing topics  going on in the world from a Source Energy perspective.

Avoid the common win-lose mentality prevalent in problems at work, relationships, and even in politics.

"Catapult fuels all areas of your life."
Discover the Fastest Route to Enlightenment
With Over 5,000 Years Chinese Tradition
List Price: $125.00
Powerful leaders, they don't just tackle issues – they blast through each one. 
They seize growth, and carve out victory. Life keeps throwing punches, and you've got two choices – stand firm like the mightiest oak in a storm, or get toppled like a weak sapling.
Join Dr. Barry Morguelan (Dr. B.) LIVE and Tap into the 5,000 years old wisdom of Source Energy. Picture less stress, more harmony, healthier relationships, and radiant success.
Whether you're a leader of an organization, a family leader, a leader of yourself, or an aspiring leader... Fuel all areas of your life with Catapult Your Energy.
Get Catapult Your Energy now.
List Price: $125.00
Catapult Your Energy is the latest insights into the most pressing topics going on in the world from a Source Energy perspective.
Avoid the common win-lose mentality prevalent in problems at work, relationships, and even in politics.
"Catapult fuels all areas of your life."
Revolutionary Approach Fuels All Areas of Life
Lao Tzu and his Grand Master mentors were the pioneer of the profound techniques that make up the foundation of Catapult Your Energy.

Such wisdom was originally shared solely through the spoken word, reserved for the Emperor’s Court in China.

It was Dr. B who dedicated years to transcribe these teachings at the foot of a Grandmaster in the remote mountains of China. And now he brings them into the modern age for you.

You will find these are teachings and practices are easy enough for you to inject into your routine.  

They root you deep, build mental muscle, and unlock an Einstein-level brain power you didn't know you had. 

Rather than road blocks and setbacks — Picture each challenge in life as a stepping stone, paving your path to victory, to that spot where you're meant to be: at the peak, leading, influencing, shaping your world.

What is Catapult Your Energy?

Each month, you'll be treated to insightful premier LIVE sessions with Dr. B. The topic focuses on one area of life (for which there are 8.... The Great 8). 

The subject matter is selected for relevance and urgency in today's fast-paced world. Following the LIVE teaching segment, go even deeper and get all your questions answered in the Question & Answer Segment — Then the recording becomes available in your members area so you can revisit at any time.

The approach taken is to facilitate a win-win solution and cover a wide range of topics relevant to daily life. 

The goal is to help you maximize your resources, manage time effectively, and achieve balance and success in multiple areas of life. 

The design of Catapult Your Energy is to complement other Energy for Success programs, and yet it can be stand alone if you are dipping your toe into the ancient Source Energy practices.

The aim is to provide guidance to help unlock each your true potential and fuel all areas of your life.

Beneficial to people of all age groups. 
Discover a Unique Win-Win Approach to Life’s Challenges with Catapult Your Energy
  • Ancient Wisdom, Modern Application: Apply this timeless 5,000 year old Chinese Source Energy wisdom to contemporary issues. 
  • Dynamic and Responsive Solution: The content is not pre-determined. Instead, it's formed in response to the immediate challenges and issues of the day, creating timely, valuable solutions.
  • Comprehensive Coverage: Each session addresses a variety of life areas (Great 8 Areas), offering comprehensive guidance that goes beyond a focused solution. 
  • Unique Win-Win Approach:  This approach challenges the prevalent win-lose mentality prevalent in problems at work, relationships, and even in politics.
Are You Open-minded Enough to Unlock the Power of Source Energy and Catapult?
Catapult Your Energy is NOT for everyone. 
  • If you are NOT open to exploring new ideas, modes of thinking, or the potency of Source Energy, Catapult Your Energy may not be suitable for you.
  • If you are NOT ready to shift away from a negative mindset towards a growth-oriented, positive perspective, then you may not see the desired results with this program.
  • If you do NOT value the importance of personal development and self-improvement, Catapult Your Energy may not be beneficial.
  • If you are NOT willing to convert insights into actionable steps and apply the strategies discussed during the calls, Catapult Your Energy might not meet your expectations.
  • ​If you are seeking instant solutions and NOT interested in sustainable changes and growth over time, Catapult Your Energy may NOT be an appropriate resource.
Achieve the Impossible: Be a Success at Work & Home with Your Source Energy
Through Catapult Your Energy, the 5,000-year-old Chinese Source Energy Discipline gets brought into the modern world, allowing you to navigate the current challenges and social scenarios under the guidance of these principles. 

Actively up-to-date, topical, and highly relevant — 

Catapult Your Energy was developed in response to participants of the Energy For Success programs expressing the desire for a monthly session that incorporated the latest insights into the world from a Source Energy standpoint. 

The initial aim was to help facilitate discussions on timely and relevant issues and allow the participants to apply the principles of Source Energy to different areas of their lives in real-time.

Designed to empower you to step up their Source Energy game, each month's the Catapult Your Energy covers a new topic. Participants requested these live monthly sessions as they were experiencing victories and personal growth with Energy For Success programs, and they desired a way to further apply these concepts directly to their current challenges and opportunities.

Catapult Your Energy is designed to provide a platform for discussion, the sharing of victories, and exploration of strategies to win in various aspects of life. 

While traditional self-help and wellness materials often tend to offer recycled advice and temporary solutions, the Catapult Your Energy aims to discuss real-world, applicable strategies. 

Win-win situations are emphasized, avoiding the common win-lose mentality found in workplaces, relationships, and politics.

The Catapult Your Energy is truly... 
Meet Your Teacher, Dr. Barry Morguelan
Dr. Barry's journey took him deep into the mountains of China. There he entered a dangerous and challenging 30 year apprenticeship with a powerful Grand Master of a carefully guarded tradition. 

Dr. B (as he is affectionately called) is one of only 12 people in the world to achieve the level of Grand Master of this practical and effective system of healing, transformational well-being, and personal success.
Energy For Success is Dr. B’s transmission of this ancient secret tradition, reimagined and adapted for the modern world by it’s only western Grand Master.

Energy For Success gives you an integrated system for holistic personal, spiritual, and professional growth.

This practice bridges the gaps between positive psychology, goal achievement, high-performance strategies, eastern practices, and the power of subtle energy fields to create real-world results in your life.

It is a system that empowers you to bypass the stress of the modern world so you can transform your life, achieve your biggest goals, and experience true fulfillment.
Dr. Barry's journey took him deep into the mountains of China. There he entered a dangerous and challenging 30 year apprenticeship with a powerful Grand Master of a carefully guarded tradition. 

Dr. B (as he is affectionately called) is one of only 12 people in the world to achieve the level of Grand Master of this practical and effective system of healing, transformational well-being, and personal success.

Energy For Success is Dr. B’s transmission of this ancient secret tradition, reimagined and adapted for the modern world by it’s only western Grand Master.

Energy For Success gives you an integrated system for holistic personal, spiritual, and professional growth.

This practice bridges the gaps between positive psychology, goal achievement, high-performance strategies, eastern practices, and the power of subtle Energy fields to create real-world results in your life.

It is a system that empowers you to bypass the stress of the modern world so you can transform your life, achieve your biggest goals, and experience true fulfillment.
Does Energy For Success Really Work? 
What World Class Performers Say About Dr. B’s Work

“The best investment I made in my life”

“Dr. B should not be explained. He must be experienced because his Energy healing system is nothing short of magic. I went to him out of curiosity and had no expectations that anything good would come out of this hocus-pocus. 

Well I was wrong. Very wrong.

It changed my marriage one hundred and eighty degrees. Like magic. I have no explanation of how it happened. As I said: magic. I look younger. Friends that have known me for years now ask what happened when they see me. What did I do to look so much younger? And, it is happening with everyone that knows me. Incredible. Dr. B told me he would make me lose 10 years. He did. Whatever he says, believe him. His work is worth to me a hundred times what I paid–the best investment I have made in my life.”

-Dr. Ichak Adizes

Founder and CEO of Adizes, one of the world’s leading experts on organizational performance and change
“I didn’t think anything this powerful and almost magical sounding could possibly be real, could possibly produce such exquisite outcomes for so many different people.”

-Jay Abraham

Founder and CEO of the Abraham Group, conference speaker and author.
“If you are really a high achiever and you really want to take things to the next level in terms of complete mind, body, and spirit optimization, you want to tap into this Energy in the fullest. This is the deepest dive you can take.”

-Ben Greenfield 

Athlete, founder of Kion and Ben Greenfield Fitness.
“Dr. Barry’s work works in ways I can’t necessarily explain. But I’ll tell you, flat out, that he does something that is tangible and something that actually works, that can shift your ability to make Energy inside your body in a way that’s profound. Dr. Barry is someone I rely on when I want to get to a new level.”

-Dave Asprey

Founder of Bulletproof, conference speaker and author
“Barry has some extraordinary skills, and a fundamental capacity to help people heal that’s uniquely different from almost anything you’ve ever experienced.”

-Tony Robbins 

Author, entrepreneur, philanthropist and life coach.
Over 20,000 Stories of Life-Changing Results
“I was having a cash flow problem. Within less than 24 hours and doing two guided breathing visualizations, I literally had an increase in my cash flow of $5,000 in less than 24 hours.”

Emily B.

Strategic Wealth Coach
“The guided breathing visualizations are a wonderful way to experience a bit of magic, blending the breath with the imagery in the mind. Afterward, I am left feeling fresh, alert and at ease. I view this practice as a mini vacation.”

Lezlie W. 

Energy For Success Client
“When I first joined Energy For Success I didn’t really understand the guided breathing visualizations and thought it was over my head.....but was I in for a big treat! Dr B’s guided visualizations have connected me back to my creativity and imagination and I’ve translated that into creating more results in my life with my career, relationships, and health!”

Brian J.

Performance Coach, Owner of Two Construction Companies, Consistently Awarded Decathlon Athlete
“As a creative person I could sometimes find myself procrastinating and not finishing projects. From day one, doing the guided breathing visualizations and setting daily goals, I completed a project that had taken five years! Now, every project is easier and these Energy practices have my creative juices flowing again.”

David B.

“I do the guided breathing visualizations at least twice a day without fail. They have directly contributed to my expanding my business through creativity and serendipity in ways I never could have previously imagined. I am now stepping into opportunities with joy instead of fear and having fun building my business.”

Julie M.

Certified Human Potential Coach
“I am happier, old health issues resolved, I have NEVER ever had relationships this enjoyable and fulfilling (this alone is worth the program), and I am significantly more relaxed on a consistent basis. I can only remember life feeling this interesting when I was a child!”

Ian E.

Energy for Success Client
“I had a writer's block. Just looking at a blank page was like diving, head first, into an empty pool. And when I did write, all I could see was garbage! Through the Dragon Program, step by step, fell in love with writing again. The noise in my head reduced to a squeak. And instead of seeing garbage in my words, I see gold.”

Mark G.

Energy for Success Client
“Honestly, it all sounded too fantastical at first. But I decided to trust my intuition for once and joined the program. EFS helped me to enhance my tools of intuition, intellect and creativity to shift the sails of my life path, taking on challenges I wouldn't have otherwise. It's transformed traumas and expanded my awareness, created depth in my relationships. It's reignited my curiosity, life is a vibrant adventure again.”

Huma S. 

Energy for Success Client
“Quite simply, the Energy practices deliver results at once overt and sublime. I find the practices bring great depth in experience, when practiced immersively. The reward is certainty and trust in direction. The power and efficacy of the practices are reliable and true.”

William P.

Energy for Success Client
“I lost 25 pounds despite the huge amount of physical, mental, and emotional resistance I faced. These Energy techniques helped me move through that and achieve success to this day in losing weight and keeping it off.”

Maren C.

Energy for Success Client
“The more I use the practices the more magic seems to flow into my life. I have gone from being depressed to celebrating my life. The quality of my life has been transformed.”

Lezlie A.

Energy for Success Client
“[Energy For Success is an] organic, sustainable lifestyle choice that cultivates abundance and harmony in my life.”

Omar A.

Energy for Success Client
Copyright 2023. All Rights Reserved Energy For Success